Thursday, December 14, 2006

14 12 06

was reading a fanfix on soompi and i came over this. i thought it was good. so i had to make a duplicate copy here.

before i get accused for plagarizing, here are the credits.
Author: xkiseki from
This is the url to her story:
And this comes from the 25 chapter.


For some people, it’s a difficult concept to comprehend, while for others, it feels like it's just always been a part of them. They understand only because they know nothing else.

Most people would like to believe that this concept should never be experienced by children as it is too harsh and painful for their little psyches to handle, and because of this, adults are always striving to shield their children from the very thought of it. But regardless of how much a parent or any adult wants to protect children from feeling the pain of loss, sometimes, it just can't be prevented.

As much as she loved her parents… it was because of her parents’ wish to shield her from such things that she became so ill prepared to handle the many things she would endure later on in her young life. Back then, it would’ve been seen as a commendable thing, what her parents did. But sometimes, she really wished they hadn’t done that. Then maybe, when she lost everything, it wouldn’t have hurt as much as did.

By:: ice
Time:: 5:07 AM


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